- This membership contract had been made for an individual, for a duration associated with the membership type selected, herein. Renewable within 30 days from the date of expiry or else member will lose the right on LIFETIME LOCK PRICE and membership may be canceled at any time.
- The owner of this Gold’s gym trademark in Saudi Arabia who is the owner and responsible for all Facility in Saudi Arabia.
- Gold’s Gym urges all members to obtain a physical examination from the examiner to use of any exercise equipment or participation in any exercise mass in recognition of their possible dangers connected with any physical acquired members hereby knowingly and voluntarily waive their right because of action any kind whatsoever arising as the result of such activity on which any liability may or could accrue to Gold’s Gym it’s offices agents or staff and instructors. We agree to follow club rules as promulgated from time to time. Violation of these may be the cause of suspension or cancellation of membership.
- Fee once paid shall not be refunded or transferred to any member-only according to club policy. 5) Membership able to freeze by the member for maximum 60 days through an official application, in effect at the time request for the freeze is submitted.
- Members agree on the waiver and release of liability and indemnity agreement written on the back page of this agreement.
- The Management of Gold’s Gym Grand, Jeddah keep the unconditional right to alter & modify the prices and policies anytime as it may consider necessary.
- The members must read and approve all the information above in this contract. These notices are a fundamental part of completing the membership contract. ‘Gold’s Gym Grand, Jeddah holds no responsibility in case of loss due to in-correct\un-updated contact details from member’.
- The Club shall have the unqualified right to make such rules, regulations in the use of the club property as it may deem necessary, all signs posted in the club shall be considered as part of the rules and regulations.
- Members shall not advertise or permit his memberships to be advertised for sale, Memberships are non-transferable.
- Membership cards are club’s property issued to members only and are not-to-be used by anyone not authorized, Infraction of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the club.
- Charges and fees for service and facilities are subject to change as deemed necessary by the club. 5) The club may temporarily close for construction and will make reasonable efforts to substitute another facility for the members until such construction is completed.
- Members not entitled to compensations dues paid, refunds and terminate the contract however according to club policies.
- The club has the right to terminate memberships of any members who is loud, offensive, and bothersome to other member’s or behaves otherwise in an unbecoming manner or who is cited for infraction of rules and regulations, In the event of termination, the unused portion of any advance payment shall be forfeited to the club.
- In the event that a member becomes temporarily disabled and, therefore, is not able to use the services and facilities of the club, the membership term will be extended for a period equal to the length of the temporary disability or freeze as club policies.
- There will NO SMOKING permitted at the club premises.
- All members and guests must sign in at the reception desk upon entering the club.
- Members are requested to show Photo I D. with their copy of their membership agreement until they received their membership cards, they must display membership cards every time they enter the club, they will not be allowed entry to the club without membership cards.
- Any notice required or permitted to be given between the club and members shall be considered dually given only when received by hand or confirmed address between all parties, in the event that any party changes his address should notify the other party, and the new address will not be considered before notice.
- Members must wear shirts (covering chest and back) at all times in the club.
- Members must wear foot covering (i.e., tennis or aerobic shoes) all times in all exercise areas as well in the entire club, Socks and Sandal are not allowed.
- Members must be properly attired in standard workout clothes (i.e., leotards, jean shorts, jogging suits) while in the exercise areas.
- Please be aware of the circuit rules, do not cut in on the circuit or do sets if other members are waiting. Please see hand out on training principles.
- Profanity, horselaugh, yell and scream is not allowed in the Gym.
- Use of the equipment should be instructed by program directors.
- Have a “spotter” when using heavy weights, do not drop the weights, weights must be returned to proper racks when finished.
- Members who sweat profusely are asked to use towels when using the equipment.
- Use of hair dryers at the club is strictly forbidden, Shaving in steams, snow Room and Jacuzzis is strictly forbidden.
- Members and their guests are required to shower before Jacuzzis, pools and prior to a massage for Hygiene purposes.
- Eating and drinking are permitted in the juice Bar only. Please do not eat and drink in Gyms, locker room and spa areas, forbidden littering or leaving debris on the Gym floor.
- Forbidden leave the belongings daily overnight in lockers, Lockers will be cut off and contents will remove, the club isn’t responsible for the item removed from lockers, No personal belongings (i.e., jeans bags. purses. extra clothing, etc.) are not allowed in the workout area.
- Chalk is not allowed to be used in the Gym.
- No member shall solicit or perform personal training services on the premises.
- Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the club.
I declare that I have read carefully all points on both sides of the agreement and acknowledge that I fully understand and agree with the same.
Fourth: GUESTS:
- No members shall bring in any individual to perform personal training services.
- All guests must register upon entering the club, and sign a waiver and Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement.
- Former members and members restricted from the club may not enter as guests, the club reserves the right to refuse anyone who is not properly attired and or personally cleaned, All guests must abide by club rules and regulations
- The freezing option given in a membership type can be activated as follows:
a. Annual Membership up to 2 months freeze period, up to a maximum of two times during the life of the membership.
b. 6 Months Membership – up to 1 month freeze period, only once during the life of the membership. c. 3 Months membership – up to 2 weeks freeze period, only once during the life of the membership. - Pregnant ladies will be entitled to an additional three (3) months freeze period upon presenting an official medical report. Any subsequent months requested of freezing the membership shall be charged a rate of 200 SAR per month.
- Freezing or delay to the membership will not be permitted if members have not paid or delayed any payment or dues.
- Freeze option dose does not apply to the Personal Training service.
- Between members:
a. Allowed only one time with 500SAR. transfer fee only where six months remaining in membership. - To transfer your membership you should have a convincing reason accepted from the club.
c. Ones your membership is transferred you will lose all the advantage. - Between Branches:
a. Upgrade fee chargeable, and no refund allowed for downgrades.
- Request for refund shall not be entertained after 48 hours of purchase and is processed only if approved by management.
- Processing for a refund takes a minimum of ten days from the request.
- In case the member refunds his/her membership, he should be paid 500 SAR. as administrative fees.
- The refund option dose does not apply to the Personal Training service.
- If the customer places the order through Tappy and wishes to cancel his order within the grace period within (72 hours) only, the transfer value of Tappy will be deducted
- Lifetime lock price is applicable only if membership is renewed within 30 days from expiry.
- This will apply only for the first 1000 membership.
- Entry to the gym/club is forbidden after the due date if the member has any type of unpaid dues toward the club.
- Management reserves the right to terminate those members without refund, who do not abide by the club/gym rules & regulations or without any reason.
- Member is not allowed to sell or advertise his/her membership or any products or services in the gym/club without the approval of gym/club management.
- A member who is loud, offensive, bothersome, behaving wrongly or cited for infraction of rules & regulations or for damaging the gym/club property may be suspended expelled, penalized or terminated.
- Prohibits the selling or dealing in any substance or steroid or narcotic or stimulant drugs or smoking, also it’s not allowed to do any work in the club or train the members or give them technical instructions in the case of violation the membership should finally terminate.
- Members must be properly attired in standard workout clothes to enter the gym/club profanity is not allowed and all members male/female must Follow Islamic attire.
- The gym/club is not responsible for lost & stolen items in the lockers or any other place in the gym/club premises Items found are immediately placed in public lost and found locations.
You (buyer, each member, and all guests) agree that if you engage in any physical exercise or activity to use any club facility on the premises. You do so at your own risk and assume the risk of any and all injury and/or damage while engaging in any physical exercise or activity or use of any club facility on the premises. Your assumptions of risk include without limitation your use of any exercise equipment (mechanical or otherwise) the locker room sidewalk parking lot, stairs, pool whirlpool, sauna, steam room, racquet courts, lobby area, or any equipment in the club facility. Members agree to assume the risk in his or her participation in any activity, class, program, instruction, or club sponsored events. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in the aforementioned activities and using the club facilities and premises and assume all risk of injury. Illness, damage or loss to you or your property that might result including, without limitation, any loss or theft of any personal property, you agree on behalf of yourself (and all your personal representatives, heirs, execution, administrators, agents, and assigns) to release and discharge. Club (and our affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns) from any and all claims or causes of action (known or unknown) arising out of the negligence of the club, whether active or any of its affiliates, employees agents, representatives, successors and assigns. This waiver and releases of liability includes, without limitation, injuries which may occur as a result of (a) your use of any exercise equipment or facilities which may malfunction or break, (b), club’s improper maintenance of any exercise equipment or facilities,(c) club’s negligent instruction or supervision, including personal training and(d) you slipping and falling while on the facility or any portion of the premises for any reason, including club’s negligent inspection or maintenance of its facilities.
By execution of this agreement, you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Club from any loss, liability, damage, or coast. A club may incur due to your presence at the club facility. You further expressly agree that the foregoing release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and that if any portion thereof is held invalid. It is agreed that the balance shall; notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. You acknowledge that the club is designed to and does offer a service to its members encompassing the entire fitness spectrum. The club is not in the business of selling weight lifting equipment, exercise equipment, or other such products to the public, and the use of such items to the incidental to the service provided by the club. You acknowledge and agree that the club does not place such terms into the stream of commerce. You acknowledge that you have carefully read this waiver and release and fully understand that it is a release of liability, and express assumption of risk and indemnity agreement. You are aware and agree that by executing this waiver and release, you are giving up your right to bring a legal action or assert a claim against the club for its negligence or for any defective product on its premises. You have read and voluntarily signed the waiver and release and further agree that no oral representations, statements, or inducement apart from the foregoing writing agreement have been made.
Seventh: WARNING:
Use of steroids to increase strength or growth can cause serious health problems. Steroids can keep teenagers from growing to their full height; they can also cause heart disease; stroke, and damage liver function. Men and women using steroids may develop problems, personality changes, and acne. Men can also experience premature balding and development of breast tissue. These health hazards are in addition to the civil and criminal penalties for unauthorized sale, use, or exchange of anabolic steroids.
These provisions of this contract are severable and if any provision is determined to be illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions and any partially I enforceable provisions shall nevertheless be enforceable. The club failure to enforce any remedy or provision in this contract shall not be constructed as a waiver of such remedy or provision.
The agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with justification.
The agreement constitutes the entire and exclusive agreement between the parties and cancels and supersedes prior promises, representations, understandings, and/or agreements between the parties. The agreement may be modified only by an instrument in writing signed by all parties, however, the club or any assignee of this agreement is authorized to correct patent errors in the agreement (and other related documents).